
Singing with Daddy and Daughter!

Hello, helloooo "Love, Daddy" fans, and happy Monday!

Big news update! We're to our 75% funded on Kickstarter, and we only have 5 days left! So head on over to our Kickstarter page now and pick up your own copy of Love, Daddy, along with some awesome other rewards, and help support our awesome little book! To the 123 backers who have already contributed, thank you so much, we couldn't do it without you!

Here's a sweet little story from the author Mike to start your Monday off right - with lots of enthusiastic greetings, singing and love!!!

Here's a sneak peek of page 4 in the book, with our sweet little panda happily singing away and banging on pots and pans in the kitchen!

Here's a sneak peek of page 4 in the book, with our sweet little panda happily singing away and banging on pots and pans in the kitchen!

"My daughter loves to sing.  We go to Music Together, a little kid's music class every weekend where she learns all these different songs (that we, as parents, also have to learn as well so we can sing and dance together in class like crazy people). :-)

One of them is the "hello" song, where we sit in a circle and sing hello to everyone in class. It goes "Hellloooo, to <insert kid's name>, so glad to see you!" and goes around the room until everyone is greeted.  My daughter has since taken to hosting her own class at home in combination with "tea party" time. Our circle of Happy Hour tea buddies has now grown to include Elmo, Panda, Winnie the Pooh, Hammer (her hammerhead shark stuffed toy), and Mickey Mouse - all who apparently need the "hello" song first before being able to enjoy their yummy pretend tea and cake.

I hate to admit that I love it, but I really do. I mean, just imagine how much happier the morning line at Starbucks would be with a little "hello" time!!!"

Have a wonderful week Love, Daddy fans - and please please please spread the word about our Kickstarter campaign - we're so close and we want to make sure as many families with daddies and daughters as possible get to enjoy our book!

Onions and Hugs

A cute story from Mike the author on a sweet exchange between him and his daughter... Kids say the darndest things. 

"The other day, when I was cutting onions, my daughter came up to me and gave me this huge hug on the leg and said "Daddy, don't be sad."  Honestly, I don't know how many of the tears were actually from that onion."

And since Mike's favorite comic is Calvin and Hobbes, this little scene seemed fitting...

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Have a great day, don't cut too many onions!

Books to Empower Little Girls!

The Love, Daddy team is very proud that our book focuses on a strong and loving relationship between a father and daughter. We know how important it is to raise smart, kind little girls in today's world, and how tough that can be with what's often portrayed in the media.

In that vein, we stumbled upon an awesome article online the other day by Bust magazine (way to go Bust!) and thought, 'Perfect! We need more great children's books for little ladies!'

Here's a link to 12 Empowering Children's Books To Add To Little Girls' Bookshelves - it includes some classics and old favorites, like Matilda by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans, but also some new ones like The Princess Knight by Cornelia Funke we hadn't heard of that tell stories about interesting, creative and brave little girls following their dreams.

Matilda&nbsp;by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. Image found at bust.com

Matilda by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake. Image found at bust.com

Until Love, Daddy is available for purchase (so soon, only 1 month until our Kickstarter begins, join our mailing list to stay in touch!), we encourage those of you with little girls in your life to check out these books and show them all the awesome ways they can grow up to be fantastic women.

Any other books that didn't make this list you love for your little ones? We'd love to hear about them!